This is a recipe that my grandmother has passed on to the family. It is a very tasty and filling meat pie that can be gobbled up for dinner or frozen and...
In Greece, meat (lamb, beef, chicken) and potatoes in the oven is an ubiquitous dish throughout the winter. Upon my most recent visit to Athens, my aunt...
Fast and easy, delicious fish tacos -- simply the best! When I have extra time, I like to add just a little cilantro, red onion, tomato, and avocado on...
Mexican chorizo breakfast casserole in a skillet. Serve with sliced avocado, fresh tomato, salsa, hot sauce, guacamole, and lime wedges on the side for...
Palak paneer is an Indian curry with soft cubes of cheese simmered in a mildly spiced spinach gravy. All of the spinach benefits in an easy-to-make and...
These German Christmas cookies are similar to shortbread and we bake them every year in December. The recipe makes a pretty large amount and they are pretty...
An non-gluggly, healthy lasagna recipe where vegetables rule! You could also make this a full vegetarian version by omitting the ground beef and substituting...
Sushi rice made in your Instant Pot® ensures perfectly cooked grains with this simple method. I tested 4 different methods before deciding this was the...
This gourmet dessert is a wonderful alternative to the Thanksgiving standard of pumpkin pie. I like to offer 2 desserts for that day. This one can be made...
Turkey and zucchini combined with olives and feta result in super moist and flavorful meatballs. These can be served alone, over couscous, over rice, or...
When I was very young, my grandparents frequently took us to eat at a cafeteria in North Hollywood, CA. I liked -- no I loved -- only one dish. It was...
I was inspired to create this recipe after sampling the most delicious rib-eye steak at a local Mexican restaurant. My family is crazy for this dish! You...
A delicious Indian sweet, commonly gifted during celebrations like Diwali. I got this recipe from my neighbor when I lived in India. She always brought...
Fresh tomatoes, herbs, and a touch of wine combine to make a light yet distinctive sauce for sauteed sea scallops with tiny shrimp. This quick-to-prepare...
A magnificent sweet and spicy lamb recipe. You can increase cayenne and other spices to suit individual tastes. Serve in warm pita bread with mixed greens...
Simple and delicious, this Asian-style chicken recipe is one I've refined over years. I used to spice it up as I love hot food, but this recipe just works...
This is a Malay/Indonesian dish which is spicy and sweet at the same time. Recipe was passed down to me by my mother-in-law, and although it doesn't quite...
This slow cooker Korean-inspired roast has a different flavor than a traditional roast, more on the sweet side, but in a good way (not too sweet). Even...
My friends love this Alfredo sauce and it can be used with any type pasta that will hold sauce well. I've also used this as a base for making a white pizza...
These traditional Czech no-bake filled cookies are usually made around Christmastime. They're made with a wooden or plastic beehive mold, but it's possible...
Despite the awkward name, this fast and user-friendly wet rub did a fine job flavoring some carne asada I grilled recently (yes, that was redundant). I'm...
This is a very simple and oh-so-yummy German rhubarb cake (Rhabarberkuchen) with a meringue topping. The meringue topping goes on for the last 15 minutes...
If you can't go to Jamaica, why not bring Jamaica to you with this lively chicken dish! Jamaican curry usually contains allspice, so look for a blend that...
This hits all the tastes: sweet, salty, spicy, and umami. Serve on rice with a sprinkle of chopped cilantro and lime wedges on the side. If you cook with...
This is a denser version of the traditional banana cake and is very easy to make. You can either steam it in a square baking tin, in individual foil cups...
This tasty, spicy curry makes a great vegan side dish to go along with rice or any Indian flatbread. This is a very authentic curry commonly made with...
This is a zesty little recipe for grilled BBQ chicken tacos that is relatively easy to make and tastes great! It is a mix of American Southwest flavors...